Status TAG Live Crowd Feature Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the usage of the Live Crowd feature ("Live Crowd") within the Status TAG mobile application ("Application") by users ("Users" or "You"). By accessing and using Live Crowd, you accept and agree to abide by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you must refrain from using Live Crowd.

1. Nature of the Live Crowd Feature

Live Crowd enables Users to interact with other Users who have physically checked into nearby cafes, clubs, or other physical locations listed within the Status TAG Wire. Users can engage in real-time text-based chat conversations with others present in the same physical hangout zone. This feature also includes additional functionalities:

a. Check-In and Privacy Settings: To participate in Live Crowd, Users must physically visit a listed location and check in using the Application. Users can choose their Live Crowd privacy settings, thereby controlling who can initiate conversations with them in real-time.

b. Crowd Appreciation: Users have the option to appreciate other Users they interact with on Live Crowd. When an appreciation is sent, the recipient will be notified.

c. Profile Views and Connection: In Live Crowd, when one User views another User's profile, the viewed User will be notified that someone is interested in establishing a connection.

2. Subscription Requirement

To access and enjoy the Live Crowd feature, Users are required to purchase a subscription from one of the available packages, such as the Basic, Standard, and Prime package, as provided within the Application. Subscription terms and fees are detailed within the Application's subscription section.

  • SBasic & Standard Package: Users subscribing to the Basic & Standard Packages will receive Live Crowd Chat access with specific limitations, as described in the Application.
  • Premium Package: Users who subscribe to the Prime Package will have access to "Unlimited" Live Crowd Chat. However, to ensure the safety and privacy of our users, Status TAG has implemented a fair usage policy. This means that while Prime Package users have unlimited access, it is subject to a monthly limit of 60 Live Crowd Accounts. Users can initiate Live Crowd Chats with a maximum of 60 different accounts within a single month.

3. User Responsibility and Conduct

By using Live Crowd, Users agree to:

a. Respect Privacy Settings: Users must adhere to the Live Crowd privacy settings chosen by other Users. Initiating conversations with Users who have not permitted such interactions is strictly prohibited.

b. Appropriate Conduct: Users must use Live Crowd for appropriate and respectful interactions. Any use that is defamatory, offensive, harassing, misleading, or in violation of the rights of others, including intellectual property rights, is strictly prohibited.

c. No Commercial Use: Live Crowd is intended for personal use only. Users may not employ Live Crowd for non-personal, commercial, or promotional purposes without the express authorization of Status TAG.

d. Compliance with Laws: Users are obligated to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws while using Live Crowd.

4. Violation of Terms and Policies

Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their Status TAG accounts, including the Live Crowd privacy settings. Users must promptly report any security or technical breaches or issues encountered within the Application or while using Live Crowd to Status TAG by contacting us at .

Violation of these Live Crowd Terms and Conditions, as well as any violations of the Status TAG Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, or any other legal agreements, may result in actions taken against the User's account. Such actions may include the permanent disablement of the User's account, and Users agree not to create any future accounts on Status TAG in the event of such disablement.

5. Limitation of Liability

Status TAG's liability for the use of Live Crowd is subject to the following:

  • Status TAG is liable without limitation for damages resulting from injury to life, body, or health.
  • Status TAG is liable in cases of intent or gross negligence.
  • Status TAG is liable in accordance with the Product Liability Directive.
  • Status TAG will exercise professional diligence in providing Live Crowd. However, except as otherwise expressly provided in these Terms, Status TAG does not accept responsibility for losses not caused by our breach of these Terms or otherwise by our acts. This includes losses that were not reasonably foreseeable by both the User and Status TAG at the time of entering into these Terms, and events beyond our reasonable control.

6. Changes to Terms

Status TAG reserves the right to modify these Live Crowd Terms and Conditions at any time, with or without notice. Updated Terms will be posted within the Application, and your continued use of Live Crowd will constitute your acceptance of the modified Terms.

7. Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about these Live Crowd Terms and Conditions or any other matters related to Status TAG, please contact us at .