Safety and Privacy of Status TAG Users is our Priority.

Status TAG is a platform where Users can explore different interests and connections within a secure environment. We are committed to turn this social media into a familiar community created by You for You. Privacy and safety are the prime focuses that assist us building features that nourishes the process of keeping it secure yet exciting.

Policies To Bound Actions

Taking strict actions on violation of privacy or other policies is our way of keeping the platform secure and respectable for every precious user. Our different policies and guidelines together create this safe social media trusted by parents, youngsters, organizations and many more. Learn things that would help you maintain your privacy while exploring the best of Status TAG.

Parents Guide To Status TAG

Status TAG stands in support of creating a positive social media experience for Users of every age group. We have built Parents Guide that allows them to understand the platform better & help them analyze the effect it might have on their children. This guide consists of rules, communication tips, boundaries and more along with the Safety Tips to make the platform a kind community.

Safe Account Access

We ensure safety and security of User’s Status TAG Account by providing four login mediums that requires Password and OTP. This enables the system that there is no fraudulent activity and it is YOU who is logging in or signing in to your account. You can login via Facebook Account, Google Account, Apple ID and Phone Number. The safest way around is to Sign Up and Login via Phone Number & OTP.

Privacy Shortcuts For Your Comfort

We built Multiple Privacy Feature Shortcuts to guide you with comfort, safety and privacy as a Status TAG User. Exploring these shortcuts will help you live this social media existence on your terms & complete security. Learn about distinctive shortcuts available in the application to smooth your wonderful time as a part of this community. Your Privacy is all that we care!

Privacy with Geo-Location

Status TAG takes consent of every user to share Geolocation for providing a better User Experience.

Privacy with TAGGED Pictures

Users can share post on Timeline with options like My Followers, My Followers Expect, Only Share With, Everyone and None.

Privacy with Account

User can enable disable ‘Anyone can follow me’ option even after having public timeline. We provide distinctive privacy setting for everything on User’s Account.

Privacy with User Profile

User can update different privacy settings for Timeline, Followers, Following, Hometown, Current City, Workplace, College, and Highschool.

Privacy with Live Crowd Chat

User can change the Live Crowd Chat option to secure their interest of Live Chat after checking-in to any Hangout Zone’s Live Crowd List.

Privacy with Check-In

User can change the privacy for both Check-In History on Profile and Check-In to be on the Live Crowd List of the respective Hangout Zone.

Reporting and Blocking

Status TAG allows the Users to own responsibility to keep this community secure for everyone, thus you can report any content on the platform which violates any of our policies or guidelines or simply distrub the kind vibes of the platform. Users can also block other users if needed. We ensure to take immediate actions on the reported action or account.